We know the national news has been difficult over the last couple of weeks. Don’t despair -- do something! Join us for one or several of our upcoming February events:

Democratic Women of St. Mary’s

The #IAmStMarys group for Democratic Women is having a wine and cheese event on Feb. 15, 3-5pm, at the Carrie Patterson Art Studio. Come have fun and socialize.


St. Mary’s County Democratic Club

The Club will hold its monthly meeting on Feb. 17, 7-8pm, in the lower-level meeting room of the Lexington Park Volunteer Rescue Squad (next to the library). This month’s theme is Action! Learn about how you can make a difference by writing LTEs, submitting testimony, and lobbying. Here is the agenda, and here are the minutes and handouts from the last meeting.

The Voter Outreach Committee is hosting a 2020 Kick-off Happy Hour on Feb. 19, 5-8pm, at the Pax River Ale House. Light fare and a round of specialty drinks will be provided. (You read that right!)                                                          

Looking ahead:

The Democratic Women of St. Mary’s will meet next on March 5

The March Democratic Club meeting is scheduled for March 16.

The Democrats will have a booth at Earth Day on the Square in Leonardtown on April 19, 12:30-4:30pm. We will need volunteers to set up, talk to festival-goers, and help with our activity/giveaway. Let us know if you are interested: [email protected].

Click here for 2020 election dates and other information.

See you out there!

Caroline King


Change that matters. By authority St. Mary’s County Democratic Central Committee; Jane Loughran, Treasurer