We hope that you are having a wonderful summer! St. Mary's County Democrats have been busy in the past month. Volunteers have staffed booths, canvassed neighborhoods, organized events, made phone calls, wrote post cards, and donated to Democratic candidates in order to help the tide turn Blue in 2022! July is Disability Pride Month, which commemorates the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) being signed into law on July 26, 1990. While signed into law by President George H. W. Bush, it is important to recognize the contributions of Democrats that helped to usher in the wave of change which gave rights to individuals with disabilities. Locally, Congressman Steny Hoyer provided Democratic leadership as lead sponsor of the ADA. In addition, July is recognized as National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month, bringing awareness to the unique struggles that racial and ethnic minority communities face regarding mental illness and mental health access within the United States. Democratic candidates in St. Mary's County are advocating for affordable mental health access and treatment, especially to underserved communities in our area. Primary Elections 2022 Early voting for the Maryland 2022 Gubernatorial Elections has arrived! Early voting started on Thursday July 7, 2022 and will continue until July 14, 2022. Early Voting Locations in St. Mary's County are as follows:
You can select any location to vote from. Hours of operation are from 7:00 am - 8:00 pm. Request for a mail-in ballot for the Gubernatorial Primary Election must be received by July 12, 2022. To vote by mail, you must request a mail-in ballot from the State Board of Elections or the local Board of Elections. The St. Mary’s County Board of Elections has provided 11 Ballot Drop Box locations in order to submit paper ballots. Drop box locations are operational 24/7 until 8:00 pm on 7/19/2022. The Drop off locations are as follows: St. Mary's County Board of Election office – 23250 Hollywood Rd. Leonardtown, MD 20650 For more information please visit the St. Mary's County Board of Election 2022 Election Information Website: https://www.stmarysmd.com/docs/2022_Election_Information.pdf To request a mail-in ballot, register to vote, or check your voter registration status at: https://elections.maryland.gov/elections/2022/index.html Finally, voting on Election Day in person will be on 7/19/2022 from 7:00 am until 8:00 pm.
Consider joining a candidate committee to help with a particular campaign! This is your chance to make a difference, so reach out to us at [email protected] for more information!
Curious about which Democratic candidates are running? Check out our website at: https://www.stmarysdemocrats.org/candidates Additionally, please visit www.Vote411.org for current candidate information. When visiting simply enter your address and political affiliation to search for candidates who are running in your area. Vote411 is a valuable resource in comparing candidates as the candidates are asked to respond to questions in their own words. ![]() Recent Happenings Following the overturning of Roe v. Wade by The Supreme Court of the United States on 6/24/22, St. Mary's Democrats came together to rally for reproductive rights, not once - but twice! First, on 6/24 the Bans Off Our Bodies event took place on the steps of the Circuit Court House in Leonardtown. Most recently, Rally for Our Rights was held on 6/6 at the Governmental Center in Leonardtown. The keynote speaker was Michelle Siri, Executive Director of the Women's Law Center of Maryland and former Board President of Planned Parenthood of Maryland. She is also a candidate for Lt. Governor. Candace Hollingsworth, former mayor of Hyattsville, founder of Our Black Party and a candidate for Lt. Governor was also a guest speaker and shared her powerful story and the importance of reproductive rights for BIPOC individuals. The evening included local guest speakers to include local candidate for St. Mary's County Commissioner President, Natalie Weech. The rally ended with a sign waving on Hollywood Road with overwhelming support in the form of car horns from drivers.
The Skipjack Circle
The Primary Election is a few weeks away on July 19th, with the General Election on November 8th! We’re going to need all the help we can get to build a strong and successful democratic presence in St. Mary’s County. One of the easiest ways you can help is to join our recurring donor program, Skipjack Circle. Members have already enjoyed exclusive benefits over the past year (read more here: https://www.stmarysdemocrats.org/skipjack_circle)–so don’t miss out! One of the perks for donors at the Potomac and Chesapeake Levels are tickets to the Skipjack Gala–so join now ahead of the Gala this April! Visit our donation page to join, and don’t forget to make your donation recur monthly!
Democratic ClubNo Meeting in July! Have a wonderful summer! The next meeting next meeting will be held on August 15, 2022 at 7:00 pm on Zoom. Please email Julia Nichols for information on joining the meeting at [email protected] Help is needed to staff precinct tables for the Primary Election on July 19th. Please follow our social media pages on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter as sign-up information will be posted at a later date. If interested in helping please email [email protected]
Upcoming Event! A block party / ribbon cutting for our new campaign office will be held on the 7/20/22 at 6:30 pm. Kona Ice will be on site!
![]() Thank you for your support! You may now pay your dues online. Annual dues are $25 for an individual and $35 for a family. To join, renew, or make a donation to the club online, please visit the St. Mary’s Democratic Club Paypal [https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/stmarysdemclub] . When paying, please include your email address and indicate whether you are a new or renewing member. You can also mail a check to: St. Mary’s County Democratic Club PO BOX 631 Leonardtown, MD 20650
Upcoming Events July 13th: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm - Brandon Russell, candidate for County Commissioner District 2, will be holding a social at the Hickory Hills Community Center: 22630 Athlone Dr. Great Mills, MD 20634. Get to know Brandon at this chill social event! Share your thoughts about St. Mary's. Other Candidates will be present as well. Light refreshments provided.
Thank you to our members who have signed up to help staff the SMC Democrats tent/table at the 3 Early Voting Centers. You are appreciated! We’re showing our county we are here!
August General Membership Meeting—We have yet to set a date in August for our next general meeting. When we do, we’ll send an email and post on Facebook.
Contact us via [email protected] if you are interested in getting our emails, for more information, or interested in joining the Democratic Women of St. Mary’s.
Election Volunteering Opportunities Regarding State Employees: Delegate Brian CrosbyDear Friends and Supporters,
Do you have an event or announcement you’d like to include in our newsletter? Please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/1ksXZRuP2XNYWveLA St. Mary's County Democrats |
St Mary's County Democrats · California, MD 20619, United States This email was sent to [email protected]. To stop receiving emails, click here. You can also keep up with St. Mary's County Democrats on Twitter or Facebook. |
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