Maryland Gubernatorial Primary: June 30, 2026



Make sure you're registered to vote and update information if needed.  
Click to visit Maryland's Online Voter Registration system to verify your status, or register to vote.

NOTE: Registration is closed 21 days prior to an election. You may register to vote in-person during Early Voting and on Election Day. 
Find out your voting districts and see who is on YOUR ballot.
Click to see your voting districts for St. Mary's County.

Click to see the official ballots (to be posted in 2024).  
Decide how to vote!

You can request a mail-in ballot or choose to be put on the permanent mail-in ballot list. You can mail your ballot back to us in the postage-paid return envelope, or you can use one of our 
convenient drop boxes. Ballots must be placed in a drop box or postmarked by 8 pm on Election Day.

You can vote at an Early Voting Center. Early Voting for the 2026 Gubernatorial Primary will be available soon.

You can vote on 
Election Day. You must vote at your assigned polling place. Polls are open from 7 am - 8 pm. 

 Early Voting sites and polling places are busier first thing in the morning and in the later afternoon, so you may want to vote between 10 am and 3 pm.
Now that you've made your plan, go vote!


You can find very helpful information about Maryland elections here. Visit the MD Board of Elections website for voter registration, to request a mail-in ballot, update your address, and more. 
For information about candidates and ballot questions, is a good resource.


Other Links

How do I register?

How do I vote?

Mail-in Ballots