The Democratic Central Committee has five sub-committees whose members work towards various goals, all focused on broadening the party in St. Mary's County.
The goal of the Communications Sub-Committee is to employ an aggressive communication strategy aimed at driving the narrative, advocating for Democratic candidates, fostering organization, improving fundraising efforts, building our bench, and increasing Democratic voter registration and engagement.
Committee Chair: In Transition
The goal of the Events Sub-Committee is to increase the Democratic Party's visibility throughout St. Mary's County by participating in public fairs and festivals, and by hosting our own rallies, demonstrations, and community awareness events, whether in-person or online; to plan local Democrat's signature annual fundraising event, the Skipjack Gala.
Committee Chair: In Transition
Grassroots Fundraising
The goal of the Grassroots Fundraising Sub-Committee is to provide funds for the party-building activities of the Democratic Central Committee, support for Democratic candidates, and oversee our donor program, Skipjack Circle.
Committee Chair: In Transition
The goal of the Candidates Sub-Committee is to recruit and support viable Democratic candidates for elected office, provide support to campaigns, and support policies that give Democratic candidates a fair shot.
Committee Chair: In Transition
Party Building
The goal of the Party Building Sub-Committee is to strengthen the Democratic Party in St. Mary's County by engaging all Democrats, including disaffected Democrats; registering New Democrats; reaching out to Unaffiliated and moderate Republican voters; ensuring voter access; and increasing voter turnout.
Committee Chair: In Transition
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